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Show-Stopping Potato Side Dishes for Thanksgiving

No matter what dishes you have at your Thanksgiving dinner, there’s a good chance that at least one will be some form of potatoes. We’ve already...

Dishes to Impress Your Friends: Boeuf Bourguignon

You’re strolling a back street in Paris when you pass the open door of a bistro and see a waiter walk by carrying a carrying a crock of stew that...

Holiday Travel Tips to Reduce Stress

With COVID-19 cases and deaths largely plateauing around the country and the release of highly effective vaccines and therapeutics, holiday...

Does Medicare Cover Pain Management?

Nobody likes being in pain. It’s literally something our bodies are designed to avoid. However, around 20 percent of Americans live with chronic...

Is Hunting a Healthy Senior Hobby?

Humans have been hunting since the beginning of our species. It was essential to our survival before we figured out how to plant and harvest crops....

Ways You Can Get More Politically Involved

Many people view getting involved in politics as a chore or boring, but in truth, it can be both invigorating and a great way to shape your local...

What are Medicare's Lifetime Reserve Days?

If you’re receiving care at the hospital, you may be itching to get out and back home as soon as you can. Most people don’t want long hospital...

Spooky Spots for Seniors Halloween 2022

We love Halloween — it’s a fun holiday that we get to celebrate with parties, candy, and the things that scare us most! Of course, that scary stuff...

How to Make Soul Cakes for Halloween

Halloween is famous for its treats, whether you’re bobbing for apples or trick-or-treating. While the treats we enjoy now tend to be prepackaged...

Jack O' Lantern Carving Tips for Halloween

Jack O’ Lanterns have been a part of American Halloween since the very beginning. What originally began as a carved turnip in Ireland became the...

Easy Ways to Peel a Potato

Potatoes are one of the most useful vegetables in cooking. You could easily have potatoes with every meal and not use the same recipe twice in a...

2023 Social Security COLA Largest in Decades

Each fall, the Social Security Administration (SSA) releases their Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), which adjusts Social Security checks that...

Exercise Tips for Autumn

Fall is one of our favorite seasons for many reasons. The holidays are great — Halloween is fun and Thanksgiving dinner is treasured by many. The...

How to Make Candy Apples at Home

Apples are closely tied to Halloween and fall. Apple picking is a fun, festive way to spend the day since fall is when apples are at their ripest....

Why are Medicare Insurance Sales Calls Recorded?

This Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), you call your licensed insurance agent to discuss your Medicare insurance options. Unlike previous years...

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